16 Nov 2016

the society thinks I will continue my fight Hardik Patel

Movement amongst running just to get the reserve and reserve for the development of our next generation .You'll be in the reserve to be called to consider the welfare of the society thinks I will continue my fight Hardik Patel

3 Oct 2016

Reshma Patel & Varun Patele Visnagar Na MLA Rushikesh Patel Virudh Aavedan Aapyu

Visnagar Na MLA Dyara Visnagar Na Vepario ane Nagriko Par je Khota kesh Karvama aavya hata aena Virudh ma Reshma patel aneVarun Patel dyara Visnagar na Mamlatdar ne Aavedan aapyu jema je loko Nirdos se aemne Nyay male ane je 
gunegar se aemne saja male .
                 Jay Sardar                              Jay Patidar

1 Oct 2016

Visnagar Kamana Gamana Tamam Nagariko ye Viasnagar MLA Virudh Collector ane Mamlatdar ne Aavedan Aapyu

Visnagar na MLA Dyara Khota Kesh Karvama Aavya Hata ane Nagariko,Vepariyo Corporators
ne Khoti Jel ma Badh Karya se To aena Virudh Ma Je Gunegar se aene Saja Male ane 
Nirdos Nagariko ne Nyay Male Ana Mate Visnagar na Kamana Gam Na Tamam Nagariko
Dyara Collector Ane Mamlatdar ne Aavedan Aapvama aavyu .

30 Sept 2016

The attack on the MLA of the corporate of Visnagar Visnagar

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